The sound of synthesized birds singing popular melodies emanate from solar-powered electronics hidden in public spaces.
exhibited: Laneways 2009 (Melbourne, Australia) Sonambiente 2006 (Berlin, Germany), SFX Seoul (Seoul, South Korea)
A long string of 16 speakers spans the indoor and outdoor spaces of a gallery, playing a variety of synthesized sounds organized by a chorusing algorithm.
exhibited: Russell House, Wesleyan University (Middletown, CT).
A String Quartet that re-organizes a popular melody using a "space-hungry" genetic algorithm.
premiered: Flux Quartet Wesleyan University (Middletown, CT).
An installation for car horns, drumset, and electronics.
exhibited: Russell House, Wesleyan University (Middletown, CT).
Gallery visitors cure themselves of the song stuck in their heads, and encounter the traces of songs stuck in other people's heads.
exhibited: Zilkha Gallery (Middletown, CT). SFX Seoul (Seoul, South Korea)
A tourist pamphlet featuring a map of the various genres of Muzak played on State Street in Chicago during the Fall of 2004.
exhibited: Chicago Cultural Center (Chicago, IL).
A VR environment focused on sonic interaction. Shown to over 15,000 guests in 3 days at the Wired NEXTfest in Chicago, 2005.
exhibited: Wired NEXTfest 2005 (Chicago, IL).